Sunday, 14 June 2015

Apologies, dear and patient friends

My dearest friends, please accept my sincerest apologies, why I really do not know where the time has gone. Such a whirlwind of activity over the last month, why I am quite dizzy at the memory.
Indeed, where does one start. Perhaps, in the words of dear Colonel Brandon, at the beginning.

As many of you are aware, my guardians share a kitchen garden with my lady guardians sister and husband. It comprises five 6 x 3 metre raised beds, a small raised bed and a recently dug squash bed of a similar size, plus a strawberry patch, two beautiful fig trees and a small apple tree under which to sit and enjoy the fruits of ones labour (often with a tasty morsel and a well earned cup of the finest English tea). There are also two greenhouses in which tomatoes, peppers and aubergines are grown through the summer. It was a venture embarked upon with great zeal by both estates and, in it's second year, is proving most fruitful. To gaze upon it is a wonder but, more importantly, to feast upon the produce is a delight. Much to my lady guardians delight, there are murmurings of livestock in the form of a few chickens; what country dweller does not like the sound of a contented brood clucking about the garden. Oh, the excitement but, one must be patient, much to my guardians consternation. The sisters remember a childhood with home grown vegetables and chickens, and a plentiful supply of chicken manure for the compost to complete the circle. Delightful, quite delightful. Many an hour has been spent planting, weeding, nurturing, watering for the delight of fresh produce now and through the winter. What a warming thought. A well stocked larder and log shed are such comforting thoughts as we move through the cycle of seasons, with time spent through spring and summer in toil to keep one hail and hearty. A simple life with simple pleasures, bliss. 

Despite the summer weather not reaching its fullest potential, my lady guardian has taken every opportunity to throw open windows and doors. Within the house, a thorough programme of sorting and cleaning is underway. Why, one is fearful of being caught up in this frenzy and ensures ones safety by finding a quiet, safe place in which to rest until the dust has settled for another day. I am assured by my lady guardian, that the current frenzy is quite, quite different from "the spring clean" that was undertaken earlier in the year, but I confess dear friends, I cannot see how! 
The seasons are moving swiftly and one can understand the activity, why I can barely believe that we 
are mid way through the year and soon to celebrate the summer solstice. Tempusfugit, dear friends, tempus fugit.

As my lady guardian and I compose this missive for your delectation, we gaze out upon the apple, plum and damson trees and can see the ripening fruits. We appear to be in for a bumper harvest and the larder may indeed need sorting to accommodate such largesse. 

My lady guardian, a keen home crafter, has begun knitting a fine woolen garment for the cooler months. A most becoming fairisle pattern is emerging. No doubt my brother will examine it closely on completion and test for warmth and comfort.

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