Friday, 2 January 2015

Happy New Year one and all

One can hardly believe it but, yes, another year has passed and oh, what a year, my friends, what a year. It has to be said our greatest achievement was the inception of this, our electronic messenger. With great trepidation we undertook our first shakey steps in to the world of technology. My, what a world it has opened up to us. We have managed, with a little effort, to maintain contact with family and friends without any due concerns. We have relayed news from our modest abode and enjoyed the rural quietude this affords; such bliss. From the frothy cow parsley hedgerows to the glossy red berries and leaves of holly, tending the newly established kitchen garden to the warmth of the logs on the fire, cut by our own guardians fair hand. We are unashamedly country dwellers, however as you know, we have been known to enjoy the odd foray into some of our smaller, but beautifully architectural, cities. We have been fortunate to enjoy visits with relatives from the Australias and the Americas which has given such joy to our guardians and their family (it has to be said, only tolerated by my dear brother!)

Now, 2015 awaits us, all of us. May we wish you a truly Happy New Year and look forward to updating you throughout our trials and tribulations in 2015. We begin the year as we intend to carry on, quietly.

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