Thursday, 8 May 2014

Oh my, my.....

Well, dear reader, firstly apologies for the lack of missives but oh my, my what a busy time we have had with the visitor from America. Lunch was enjoyed and much merriment was had by all concerned. Lunch was partaken by various members of our guardians family, much news exchanged and tales told. There were many years on which to report (to be exact, 43 years since our guardian had met our visitor last) and photographs to be taken. Once luncheon was completed, the visitor from across the water accompanied our guardian home and spent some hours conversing with our guardians. I, of course, felt duty bound to introduce myself, as all well bred felines should, and spent some time being duly admired, of course. For my dearest brother however, this was a most difficult occasion being naturally shy and retiring. Our visitor was most complimentary about our heritage and on a number of occasions commented upon this. Dear reader, I bore this adulation with great dignity. My brother however, once introduced did what all self respecting males have a tendency t'ward when faced with a gathering of largely chattering females, and withdrew to his private suite until the all clear was sounded. He only resurfaced once calm was restored and hunger drove him out. 
Such is my brothers fear of social gatherings that he only felt truly safe once the estate was secured for the night. Then and only then did he fall in to an exhausted sleep and slept the night fully through. I felt myself drawn to him in his hour of need and comforted him with my physical presence as he slept.
Dear reader, we thank you for your patience during this visitation. 

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