Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Weary travellers

My brother and I spent a quiet morning at home on the estate. Our guardians for their part travelled far to reach the smallest city in England dating from medieval times that has within its city walls a most splendid 13th Century Cathedral, as well as many fine residences. The Cathedral is famous for its beautiful architecture and splendour of which my guardians are very fond. It was an arduous journey but of necessity to conduct some business there with a local horologist, which, I might add, was conducted successfully for both our guardians and their relatives. The outward journey was made tedious by the inclement spring weather in the form of dense fog, however, once the outward journey reached the halfway stage, sun was shining forth and good time was made on the return journey. The guardians and their relatives were delighted to complete the journey and once again be at home. The weather had vastly improved and the sun shone forth, enhancing the countryside in its golden glow, not a cloud in the late afternoon sky.

Much refreshed after a restorative cup of afternoon tea, work on the kitchen garden continued apace. It was a most productive time for all of us; my brother, of course, set forth to inspect the work but found himself sidetracked by the presence of an empty home on the estate. It has to be said that this is a rare occassion, we are known to be fair and kindly custodians. This conundrum caused my brother much consternation and tireless work speaking to the many inhabitants on the estate but, to no avail. It appears that it was a home to either the Dunnock or Wren families however no reports of missing persons has been made therefore we must assume that the family has moved. I do so hope that all is well but, dear reader, it must be said, both families are renowned for their flighty natures.

My brother takes his duties most seriously and can be seen striding forth with foccussed intent to conduct his enquiries.

For my own part, I must confess to spending a little time on my grooming; a little light manicure and a breath of fresh air whilst the weather is fine

We ended the day with a few moments of time together discussing the days endeavours before retiring for the evening. I am very fond of my brother and do value these little conversations.

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