I am most fortunate, dear souls, in having a small select number of friends whom I have made along the way in my career and in whom I find great joy, for they are open and honest and, more importantly, such genuinely lovely people. This very weekend I had the delight of taking the locomotive with two such ladies to the charming city of Bath whilst the male guardian went about his professional toil. We met, as arranged, at an early hour and walked to the station. The journey itself was short and oh, how we chattered along the way for this is the first, we hope, of many such days. We had gone with the express intent of purchasing the necessary haberdashery for our next dressmaking project. On arrival, a warming drink and a little tasty something set us up for a day of looking, reviewing and buying. We walked around Bath in search of the necessary requisites until, tired by our efforts, we partook of a light lunch to restore ourselves and consider our purchases. My dears, we did have such fun and laughter, made all the more delightful by the ease of companionship and a shared interest in ensuring that we all enjoyed ourselves. The journey home was taken with consideration and forward planning for our next day of sewing, something enjoyable to look forward to on the calendar.
The clocks have turned back an hour overnight and thus the male guardian and I took the opportunity to rise early and undertake the necessary gathering of grocery requisites for the week ahead, planning meals and stocking the larder. That undertaken, the day was spent in catching up with laundry, chores and generally maintaining our home and small estate. As dusk began to arrive, we have battened down the hatches and begun to enjoy the darker evenings. A delightful homemade supper, and an evening of rest and recuperation is in store for us. The periodicals, a fine blend of coffee and a square or two of a dark intense chocolate is just the way to end an enjoyable weekend, do you not agree.

Sunday, 29 October 2017
Friday, 27 October 2017
The winds of change
Well, dear souls, the weather has once again ensured that the favourite topic of conversation upon this green and pleasant island remains the same, for it has been incredibly warm of late. Today there has been a faint glimmer of change with a cooler feel to the air albeit with a bright blue sky and sunshine. This very night we are expecting a single figure temperature, borne out by a clear sky and twinkling stars. So very exciting, with the smell of woodsmoke upon the air, a fragrance I am, my dears, inordinately fond of. There is nought so delightful than a deep warm bed, snuggled down, in the depths of the bedding on a cold winters night - such a gloriously luxurious and decadent feeling.
Do you not just adore these preparations for autumn and winter, dear friends. The garden is trimmed and tidied, bonfires lit and harvests gathered. The home is battened down, chimneys swept, log stores checked and the larder is surveyed to ensure the essentials are gathered in. Why, even our wardrobes undergo change, moving from light, loose garments to warmer, layered ensembles to trap warmth. Being an amateur knitter, I do so love to see hand crafted garments lovingly crafted.
The clocks change this weekend thus the male guardian and I will luxuriate in that extra hour, particularly if the temperature has dropped and the autumn bedding replaces the lightweight summer ensemble. Such delights to look forward to.
Do you not just adore these preparations for autumn and winter, dear friends. The garden is trimmed and tidied, bonfires lit and harvests gathered. The home is battened down, chimneys swept, log stores checked and the larder is surveyed to ensure the essentials are gathered in. Why, even our wardrobes undergo change, moving from light, loose garments to warmer, layered ensembles to trap warmth. Being an amateur knitter, I do so love to see hand crafted garments lovingly crafted.
The clocks change this weekend thus the male guardian and I will luxuriate in that extra hour, particularly if the temperature has dropped and the autumn bedding replaces the lightweight summer ensemble. Such delights to look forward to.
Sunday, 22 October 2017
Refresh and revamp
Well, dears souls, all too soon we have slipped back in to the routine of our professional toil after such a glorious time away. For many years, the male Guardian and I have willingly kept our noses, as the saying goes, firmly to the grindstone however I do believe, my dears, that it has done us the world of good to step off of the treadmill of life for that short period and, whilst whole heartedly enjoying oneself, take time to contemplate and consider. I do believe that it has recharged the batteries but, most interestingly, given me a refreshed standpoint to review that which I do and those around me both in my personal and professional lives. Update and refresh is the new motto, with fresh eyes and a clearer perspective after such a delightful time away.
After some charitable works at the beginning of the weekend, the male guardian and I have spent a quiet time catching up with those essential chores and enjoying our home. As the clock ticks t'ward the winter season we are also undertaking the essential estate garden review. After the last few blustery days, much of the harvest has dropped to the orchard floor, thus affording us a nigh unfettered view of the crowns of the trees. After much consideration, we have come to the conclusion that the orchard requires a revamp, therefore, the winter will see us warmly clad, long loppers and fine blades apiece, trimming the orchard back to basics. We last did this when we arrived at the estate many years ago and have been rewarded threefold; all the more reason, my dears, to step once more unto the breach, as it were.
The days are fast becoming shorter and, indeed, next weekend the clocks will turn back an hour plunging us in to darker evenings when sadly, nought can be achieved outside on our return from our professional toils each day. The season that good old Blighty hunkers down and relishes. Thus far we are fortunate that the weather has remained temperate despite November fast approaching, no doubt to surprise us at some point with a nip in its tail.
After some charitable works at the beginning of the weekend, the male guardian and I have spent a quiet time catching up with those essential chores and enjoying our home. As the clock ticks t'ward the winter season we are also undertaking the essential estate garden review. After the last few blustery days, much of the harvest has dropped to the orchard floor, thus affording us a nigh unfettered view of the crowns of the trees. After much consideration, we have come to the conclusion that the orchard requires a revamp, therefore, the winter will see us warmly clad, long loppers and fine blades apiece, trimming the orchard back to basics. We last did this when we arrived at the estate many years ago and have been rewarded threefold; all the more reason, my dears, to step once more unto the breach, as it were.
The days are fast becoming shorter and, indeed, next weekend the clocks will turn back an hour plunging us in to darker evenings when sadly, nought can be achieved outside on our return from our professional toils each day. The season that good old Blighty hunkers down and relishes. Thus far we are fortunate that the weather has remained temperate despite November fast approaching, no doubt to surprise us at some point with a nip in its tail.
Monday, 16 October 2017
There and back again....
Well, dear souls, we have returned from our travels abroad after three glorious weeks away from our professional toils and oh, my dears, what a break. We ventured forth once more to the Antipodes to visit my darling twin sister and partner, having last travelled thus far some eighteen or so years ago. Alas, the journey itself has not changed and is long, if not tedious, but the joy in reaching our destination with loved ones waiting is second to none. We travelled further, long in to the night to reach their estate but it really was quite a destination; a beautiful estate, set above an estuary with acres of land to enjoy, grow vegetables, garden, swim, play and generally enjoy life and, my dears, how we did for nigh on three glorious weeks of sunny, warm bliss. Dear reader, it was a holiday that restored one's equilibrium. We laughed, ate, enjoyed the countryside in a variety of ways, worked on the vast garden, took visits away from the estate and laughed some more. One cannot tell of the fun and joy of a holiday with like minded people intent on enjoying life to its fullest.
During the holiday we learnt to kayak and spent many hours enjoying this new found pleasure made possible by our hosts purchasing two kayaks for us, such a generous gesture and one that gave us such delightful experiences. On our very first day out on the water the male guardian found himself in the midst of a pod of six dolphins leaping around him - my dears, we were delighted beyond belief, the stuff of dreams and memories. On a further trip out we spied a sting ray enjoying the weather, oystercatchers, pelicans, parakeets, and so much more. Oh the joy of experiencing life on the water.
We were most delighted to meet the fur cousins of our beloved Lucy and Jinks. My dears, what a delightful couple, so similar to our own dear boy and girl, with such beautiful markings and colouration. It was a joy to meet them at last.
The trip reiterated the importance of a life well lead with enjoyment in the simple things in life, a maxim I would like to hope that we all live by, dear souls.
During the holiday we learnt to kayak and spent many hours enjoying this new found pleasure made possible by our hosts purchasing two kayaks for us, such a generous gesture and one that gave us such delightful experiences. On our very first day out on the water the male guardian found himself in the midst of a pod of six dolphins leaping around him - my dears, we were delighted beyond belief, the stuff of dreams and memories. On a further trip out we spied a sting ray enjoying the weather, oystercatchers, pelicans, parakeets, and so much more. Oh the joy of experiencing life on the water.
We were most delighted to meet the fur cousins of our beloved Lucy and Jinks. My dears, what a delightful couple, so similar to our own dear boy and girl, with such beautiful markings and colouration. It was a joy to meet them at last.
The trip reiterated the importance of a life well lead with enjoyment in the simple things in life, a maxim I would like to hope that we all live by, dear souls.
Friday, 6 October 2017
Harvest moon
Dear souls, what a busy time we have been having of late, why it has been really quite something. We have spent time gardening, clearing general debris, shredding large quantities of garden waste, and of course cutting wood for the log store. I have had the delightful opportunity to test a variety of garden machinery including a very useful and desirable small tractor and a very large, efficient chipper/shredding machine that makes the most practical type of mulch but, alas, whilst most exciting to test drive and deliberate over, they really are for those with much larger acreage to maintain, me thinks. It has to be said that I do enjoy a nice piece of garden equipment to assist in the maintenance of our small estate but one must, my dears, be practical for one could spend one's fortune on such items only to use them rarely which would really not be the ticket, dear souls, now would it.
As summer has turned to autumn for us, the Antipodeans are seeing the start of spring, much to their delight. They too are spending time on their somewhat larger estate, in much the same way as ourselves. They are most fortunate to be accompanied by their own delightful furry companions, who keep an eye on the standard of work and generally ensure that all is well. As we enjoy the flora and fauna that surround us, so too do the Antipodeans and much comparing and contrasting is had around the differing varieties we each encounter during our everyday lives. Last evening, the Antipodeans did enjoy a most beautiful full harvest moon and we have had the delightful spectacle of some photographs shared with us to enjoy of them "holding" the moon in their hands - oh how we did laugh, my dears at the antics and the trickery of a well positioned stance and good photography, as well as appreciating the full beauty of a glorious harvest moon.
As we head towards winter, it is moments such as these that will give a glow of warm happiness and shared laughter over the fun and simple enjoyment to be had in life despite the differing continents, half a world apart. We do so hope that you too are taking every opportunity that you can to laugh and enjoy life to its fullest, however simple or mundane the activity.
As summer has turned to autumn for us, the Antipodeans are seeing the start of spring, much to their delight. They too are spending time on their somewhat larger estate, in much the same way as ourselves. They are most fortunate to be accompanied by their own delightful furry companions, who keep an eye on the standard of work and generally ensure that all is well. As we enjoy the flora and fauna that surround us, so too do the Antipodeans and much comparing and contrasting is had around the differing varieties we each encounter during our everyday lives. Last evening, the Antipodeans did enjoy a most beautiful full harvest moon and we have had the delightful spectacle of some photographs shared with us to enjoy of them "holding" the moon in their hands - oh how we did laugh, my dears at the antics and the trickery of a well positioned stance and good photography, as well as appreciating the full beauty of a glorious harvest moon.
As we head towards winter, it is moments such as these that will give a glow of warm happiness and shared laughter over the fun and simple enjoyment to be had in life despite the differing continents, half a world apart. We do so hope that you too are taking every opportunity that you can to laugh and enjoy life to its fullest, however simple or mundane the activity.
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