Saturday, 16 May 2015

Well, my dears.....

Well, my dears, what a busy time it has been if I do say so myself. Why, a positve whirlwind. It must be said however, what a glorious month is the month of May! Such an exciting time of year, such joy in just being. Why, the countryside around us is burgeoning with growth; lime green, lush green, crops putting forth, cowparsley in delightful abundance spotted with campion and bluebells. How my heart does sing to see the natural beauty of this great country. The skylark, high in the sky singing it's melodious song and the swallows and swifts swooping and a fluttering all around. The sky on the whole is blue with puffy white clouds high above us. Such is the wealth in nature.

My guardians have been busy amidst the estate, tidying, mowing and planting and they begin to reap the rewards, particularly in the sanctuary garden where my brother and I are oft to be found, enjoying the warmth of the sun on our ageing bones, such a pleasure.

The kitchen garden has been largely planted and the crops are bursting forth. Further beds are being created, of which we will benefit this autumn, for a fine bed of squashes has been planned including, to my delight, one or two pumpkins for carving at Halloween. Important to maintain tradition, you understand.

As I sit with my guardian producing this missive, the sun bears down, a light breeze is flapping the laundry upon the line and the droning of the bees in the apple blossom can be heard. Birds are a Twitter and my male guardian is enjoying respite from his toils in the garden with a restorative cup of tea and a leisurely chapter of a favourite book. "Oh to be in England", dear friends; I am inordinately fond of dear old Blighty.