Thursday, 24 July 2014

Now, where were we.........

Well, dear friends, we have settled in to a period of weather that leaves one in a somnabulistic torpor. Why, the barometer has hovered over the "very dry" reading for many a day and in truth, dear friends, after the whirl of activity over the last month, my brother and I have taken every opportunity in which to rest in the deepest darkest shady corner of the apple orchard, after an early foray around the estate. The aroma of the harvest wafts sweetly through the countryside and the sounds of the farming activity abounds. From dawn to dusk the farming contingent amongst our neighbours toil most steadfastly in countryside reminiscent of Constable himself. What a picture to behold!

This period of rest has afforded me the opportunity to put together a few details of the activities that ensued during the antipodean visit for your delectation; perhaps the most difficult is knowing where to begin! Closest to home, methinks.

I have once before mentioned business with an horologist across the county. The antipodeans were keen to make such a visit to his premises to view the wares; therefore, my guardian, her twin and partner sallied forth early one morn in the carriage. Near to their destination they alighted the carriage to partake of some nourishing luncheon from a most delightful establishment in the smallest city of our beloved country (a most wholesome and tasty luncheon was to be had). The Cathedral is a must sitting proudly in this small city, as well as the Bishop's Palace and green. Such beautiful architecture to be seen; truly a jewel in this county's crown. Indeed the Cathedral clock is quite, quite beautiful as you can see and set the tone for the horological visits that day.

Once luncheon was partaken, the party moved on to do business with the eminent horologist. The purchase of a most delightful timepiece to be shipped homeward was satisfactorily negotiated, underaken and duly shaken upon, much to the delight of the visitors. A little piece of home bound for the Australias, ticking off the time 'til they return.
The journey homeward was a joyous occassion which much celebration as to the finest of acquisitions. Dear reader, I can attest to the beauty of the purchase and proud of the workmanship that will sally forth from our humble shores for pastures new.

Saturday, 19 July 2014

Alas , dear friends.....

Alas, dear friends, the antipodeans have flown the nest and are, at this very moment, bound upon an interminable journey comprising thousands of miles toward their estate in the Australias. They travelled yester morn to the capital once more and are born homeward. Parting, as one knows, is such sweet sorrow and a sad tear wend its way down my guardian's face at the time of parting. My guardians twin sister was also such afflicted - dear me, such sadness after such joy! However, it is a fact duly acknowledged that a delightful time was had by all; much merriment, many a meal partaken, visitations undertaken, family members gathered and photogtraphic recording. Why, my male guardian was most delighted to find a fellow chess player amidst the visitors. Many a studious evening was spent in contemplation, fortified by sweet treats for their delectation. Such as memories are made of.

The weather has, fortuitously, been most considerate during the visit - barely a day went by without sunshine and warmth allowing windows and doors to be thrown open and good wholesome exercise to be had walking hither and thither through estates, bountiful gardens, scholarly and historical places of interest and, dear reader, in truth, it has to be said, a fair number of hours in the pursuit of, ahem.. the latest fashions! The antipodeans assured us that this was most necessary due to the superior quality of the workmanship on offer in this fair land. Clearly, some benevolent acknowledgments were offered with knowing smiles and, of course, it would be rude not to partake for oneself, as my guardians duly instructed me, on revealing a number of items for the estate.

For my brothers part, it was all a little too close to home and he daily sought the sanctuary of a quiet spot in either the estate or home in which to secrete himself away. It has to be said, however, that he became a little more accustomed and relaxed, as time went by to the comings and goings but, dear friends, he really is at his most happiest when there is the minimum number of people in his vicinity... such a private gentleman!

I will endeavour to gather my thoughts and note for your perusal, the various visitations made during the visit. 

 It is notable that the farming year is moving swiftly toward the busiest time of year and indeed, harvesting of crops has commenced around us. Always such a joyous and bountiful time of year, do you not agree??

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Oh, dear reader

Oh dear reader, what can I say.  Our sincerest of apologies, we have been somewhat remiss in keeping you abreast of the times here on our little estate however, let me just tell, pray, that the antipodean contingent of the family have truly arrived and my, my what a whirl of activity has ensued. Why, one can barely remember the days! My dearest brother has barely left his rooms such is his reserve and I have been left to entertain these lively visitors with my guardians. It has to be said that there has been much fun and laughter as well as general movement amidst the visitors. My guardians threw themselves wholeheartedly in to the visit as the running of such an estate would allow, and took the carriage North thus far then "took flight" bound for the capital of Caledonia - a place that my guardians hold dear in their hearts and are at pains to visit whenever possible. My female guardian had worked hard for many years past and been duly awarded for her troubles, an event which was the purpose of the Caledonian visit. It has to be said, dear friends, the days spent in the North sounded fulsome but much joy can be seen when they recount tales of their exploits. I am truly glad for my guardians, as they rarely leave the estate being bound by their duty to it, my dear brother and I - we are truly blessed. For my brother and I, we are happy to hear of the exploits from the comfort of ones own home; so much more civilised!

This very day the antipodeans are ensconced in our fair capital, partaking of the sights and sounds to be had within such a metropolis, due to return on the 'morrow. Therefore, I must escort my dear guardians through the house to ensure that the visitors' every need is catered for. No-one, dear reader, shall say that we do not know how to entertain in style despite my brothers reluctance. Sadly, this little snippet must satisfy the curiosity; I will, of course, update you as soon as I can. Til then, dear reader......