Really, my dears, where has that time gone! My sincerest apologies for one’s tardy lack of billet doux but, really, life has been somewhat busy, as I am sure you appreciate, and the months have become a blur of activity.
On the professional front there are changes a plenty, innovations, improvements and new ways of working to embed into the workplace. Change, many fear, some embrace and others positively thrive upon. Whatever your preference, the place in which we work is ever changing to meet the needs of its public, therefore, not a place for the faint hearted or precious. Life indeed, goes on, with or without you.
‘Tis the home front that keeps one sane and calm amongst the maelstrom of life and oh, what bliss ’tas been. The garden is green and lush, abundant with blooms and produce. The crops in the farmland around us grow steady and strong in the wet and mildly warm “summer” we are experiencing. The gentle rhythm of life ever moving forward, and we are happy in our simple pleasures, as ever. Good food, good company, laughter aplenty and a bountiful supply of love.
Both pastimes of sewing and knitting continue, with additions of other fun activities and life is good.
Lucy and Jinks

Saturday, 15 June 2019
Saturday, 30 March 2019
Spring time
Spring has truly sprung, my dears, and oh, how wonderful it is. Frosty mornings and big blue sky days, such bliss. Why, the male guardian and I have been able to enjoy a cup of fine English tea in the garden on return from our professional toil, much to our delight. Linen has flapped in abundance on the washing line and perfumed our home with that fresh, clean smell so evocative of the great outdoors. How it does lift the spirits so. The blossom on the cherry and plum trees are abound and so very pretty. Growth is everywhere and the acid green of spring that I so love is to the fore. There is nought so truly delightful than the variety of the seasons.
The garden has been receiving our administrations in an attempts to review, repurpose and reinvigorate. 'Tis a slow process but one that I am sure will bear fruit in due course. The birdlife have been most attentive whilst we are in the garden for they realise their opportunity to appropriate worms and grubs when our backs are turned.
Early this year in my professional capacity, I was the recipient of a beautiful small white orchid. My dears, one was afeared for its life span as the male guardian and I tend to keep our small home at a temperature that is below the average home which, of course, is not always conducive to houseplants. To my great delight this little gem is standing as tall and proud as the day it arrived. I have to say, I am inordinately fond of it and from whence it came and do so hope it lasts a very long time. Such a delicate yet hardy thing, surviving against the odds, very much close to the reason I was gifted it and evocative of my keenness to nurture it.
My love of growing things in nature and humanity has once more come to the fore after a rather bleak few years and I have found renewed vigour for growth that is pushing forward the gardening and professional fronts anew. Nature and humanity, such fickle bed fellows, both requiring a steady hand at the helm to guide it through choppy waters, as storms rage and heat blazes then subside. Patience and perseverance is the name of the game. Yes, it means changes, adaptations, repurposing, new growth and direction but, as long as the hand that guides it is steady, the good wins out. Life's rich tapestry, my dears; older, wiser but still here, enjoying life is all one can ask, for we are here but once, something I see in my professional capacity every day. Live every day like there is no tomorrow, my renewed motto for life, and one I fully intend to embrace, my dears, most definitely.
Sunday, 10 March 2019
Fleeting February
Well hello, my dears. I know, I know, one has been a little tardy of late in posting but, my goodness, where has the month gone. 'Tas been a mighty busy month with one's professional toil plus the weather turned unbelievably balmy and ensured the eye became aware of the outdoor space. Well, dear souls, from that a revamping project has begun; cutting back, dividing, removing, repositioning and generally appraising the design and structure of the garden is now well underway, weather permitting. I do so love a project and being a country girl, I am inordinately fond of our outdoor spaces. It is a "work in progress", as always with any garden project. As we work we can appreciate the changing season with a backdrop of acid green euphorbia wulfenii, tête-à-tête daffodils, primroses, snowdrops, hellebores and more. Such a beautiful backdrop.
As we move into the season of spring, one's mind has turned to replenishing the log store and time over the next month will be spent replenishing said store from the large, ever growing stock of seasoned wood we have stored for this purpose. We do so enjoy this work; physical and satisfying to know one already has next year's logs stored and are preparing for the year after. The rotation process we have for our store allows for wood to season for a minimum of a year before use, thus ensuring a good burn.
Further days with my sewing bee friends have produced some very desirable garment additions to the wardrobe, much to my delight. My next project in the making is for the male guardian; some "baggies" as he calls them, or I do believe they are called "lounge pants" or "lounge wear " by others. We have purchased a rather lovely medium weight fabric of his choice and will make a pair that fit him in both waist and leg measurement for ''tis rather difficult to obtain them commercially in such a slim, long legged sizing.
The making of the woollen garments continues in the background, with a further cardigan on the needles for one of my friends, as well as using some of the wool stash to make a bundle of simple fishermans beanies that will be making the journey across the seas at some point, bound for the antipodes for someone who rather enjoys the warmth. Yes, I know, dear reader, I, too, am amused by this thought but I am reassured that the temperature can, and does, drop dramatically at times, just not to the depths we are used to but, 'tis all relative. Warmth is warmth and most appreciated when one is cold wherever one resides in the world.
The building and updating work has been completed on the upper floor of our small home with all finery in place and oh, how lovely it all does look. Such a satisfying feeling.
As I end this post there are weather warnings for stormy weather and one is grateful that the male guardian is homeward bound. A quiet day awaits us, methinks for there is nought so joyous, snug in one's home, with those we love, do you not agree.
As we move into the season of spring, one's mind has turned to replenishing the log store and time over the next month will be spent replenishing said store from the large, ever growing stock of seasoned wood we have stored for this purpose. We do so enjoy this work; physical and satisfying to know one already has next year's logs stored and are preparing for the year after. The rotation process we have for our store allows for wood to season for a minimum of a year before use, thus ensuring a good burn.
Further days with my sewing bee friends have produced some very desirable garment additions to the wardrobe, much to my delight. My next project in the making is for the male guardian; some "baggies" as he calls them, or I do believe they are called "lounge pants" or "lounge wear " by others. We have purchased a rather lovely medium weight fabric of his choice and will make a pair that fit him in both waist and leg measurement for ''tis rather difficult to obtain them commercially in such a slim, long legged sizing.
The making of the woollen garments continues in the background, with a further cardigan on the needles for one of my friends, as well as using some of the wool stash to make a bundle of simple fishermans beanies that will be making the journey across the seas at some point, bound for the antipodes for someone who rather enjoys the warmth. Yes, I know, dear reader, I, too, am amused by this thought but I am reassured that the temperature can, and does, drop dramatically at times, just not to the depths we are used to but, 'tis all relative. Warmth is warmth and most appreciated when one is cold wherever one resides in the world.
The building and updating work has been completed on the upper floor of our small home with all finery in place and oh, how lovely it all does look. Such a satisfying feeling.
As I end this post there are weather warnings for stormy weather and one is grateful that the male guardian is homeward bound. A quiet day awaits us, methinks for there is nought so joyous, snug in one's home, with those we love, do you not agree.
Friday, 1 February 2019
Hectic schedule
Well, dear souls, what a hectic month January has been. Hither and thither we have dashed, professional toil, family matters and forward planning. Why 'tas been fair exhausting. The weather has utilised its full armoury of winter conditions with hail, ice, crisp hoar frosts and snow - deep billowing, fluffy snow that delights the children but brings forth a collective groan from those amongst us bound once more for professional toil. Such is life, as the saying goes. One has become quite accustomed to sending the male guardian toil bound with provisions for a stay away should he not be able to return home due to the inclement weather. The onset of weather that comes with a national alert sees the bag checked and ready, with sleeping bag, fresh clothes and enough provisions should the journey be interrupted or stalled along the way, such as the poor travellers attempting to traverse Bodmin Moor last evening during the snow storms. Forarmed is forewarned as the saying goes, and so much safer to boot. One really should not venture forth in such conditions without a well stocked carriage, most definitely not.
Whilst we have been experiencing our bleak mid winter conditions, the antipodeans are enjoying a "balmy" 28 degrees after sun down. I'm sorry but one's British sensibilities really cannot comprehend such temperatures at the time of a winter onslaught in Blighty. Just not cricket chaps, now is it. Why, what on earth would one do in one's three layers of woollen garments in such heat, incomprehensible my dears, incomprehensible.
It has to be said, however, that 'tis the one time of year when one feels at liberty to hunker down, fire ablaze, a cup of something warm and relaxing at one's fingertips, to enjoy a jolly good book, full in the knowledge that we are safe and sound in our little home, warm and snug against the onslaught. Absolute bliss. The wind may be howling, the snow swirling, but one can lose oneself in the pages of a jolly good book without the fear of guilt of jobs to be done. Oh, the joy of a well penned book. Many a cold winters night has been spent thus. I do so love a good book, do you?
Whilst we have been experiencing our bleak mid winter conditions, the antipodeans are enjoying a "balmy" 28 degrees after sun down. I'm sorry but one's British sensibilities really cannot comprehend such temperatures at the time of a winter onslaught in Blighty. Just not cricket chaps, now is it. Why, what on earth would one do in one's three layers of woollen garments in such heat, incomprehensible my dears, incomprehensible.
It has to be said, however, that 'tis the one time of year when one feels at liberty to hunker down, fire ablaze, a cup of something warm and relaxing at one's fingertips, to enjoy a jolly good book, full in the knowledge that we are safe and sound in our little home, warm and snug against the onslaught. Absolute bliss. The wind may be howling, the snow swirling, but one can lose oneself in the pages of a jolly good book without the fear of guilt of jobs to be done. Oh, the joy of a well penned book. Many a cold winters night has been spent thus. I do so love a good book, do you?
Thursday, 10 January 2019
Across the water.......
Well, dear souls, the male guardian and I have just returned from a trip across the water to Ireland. For ''tis here that my dear brother has lived and worked for many a year. Now, what a welcoming and polite people our Celtic cousins are, so friendly and warm. We had made the trip at my brother's invitation and took the time to join him on a somber yet joyous occasion. And, oh what an occasion, for it did last a number of days. We met friends and family of both my brother and his wife and enjoyed a few days of warmth, chatter, tea and food aplenty. There was much laughter and celebrating with such joy and warmth that 'twas a pleasure to be part of. It was good to catch up with some of my nephews and nieces who are scattered far and wide across various countries that form Great Britain, meet my brothers wife's family and also friends of my brother and his wife. Where ever we went the Irish welcome was to the fore.
We all stayed at a country house hotel that accommodated us with aplomb. Why, they got used to large gatherings rearranging the furniture to enable tea and a good old gossip. Tea, coffee and firewater, when the occasion and time were right, of course, featured aplenty. Breakfasts lasted for sometime but they did not bat an eyelid. The food was plenty and most delicious, catering for one's every need.
It was so good to see my brother and his wife so happy with their extended family in their own environment. It gives one a warm feeling indeed to see, and great comfort to know, that all is well in their corner of the world..
The male guardian and I have now returned to our own little humble corner of the world, greeted on arrival to a most frost laden carriage and white hore frost on awakening this morn. Wherever one goes, however warm the welcome, there is, indeed, no place like home.
Saturday, 5 January 2019
Bleak mid winter....
A belated Happy New Year to you all, dear souls. 'Tas been a busy period of professional toil and thankfully the male guardian and I now have a few days off together. 'Tis bleak mid winter weather with frosty mornings and pinchingly cold air but, as you know, I do so love winter. We are hunkering down, the log burner ablaze, hale, hearty meals and warm layers. We fully intend to embrace the Nordic way of life for the next few days with hot steaming mugs of something warming, woollen blankets, and peaceful, restful habits. Oh, the joy of rest days in the winter where one does not feel too guilty to read a book, enjoy a film or just be, without thinking of the many little jobs that keep one busy during warmer seasons. Winter is such a delightful season in which to hunker down, the frosty ground and icy wind lending weight to the need for shutting everything down and just being.
One can embrace one's woollen attire once more, with a scarf or pashmina wrapped artfully about one, woollen tights and faithful boots to keep one warm. Why, my dear late mother's cashmere comes into its own at times such as this, light yet eminently layerable and warm, oh so warm. Those woollen hats that have taken concentrated effort to produce in a plethora of colour combinations and styles, come out to dazzle. Bliss my dears, such bliss and oh, so much easier to pull one's wardrobe together during this cold season.
''Tis, however a difficult time of year for birds therefore we save some of our orchard produce for the birds to nibble on plus enhance their feed with fat, seeds and the like to ensure they make it through the season. A most enjoyable sound they do make as they twitter away and a delight to be able to count the variety of visitors to our humble country home.
My dear antipodean dwelling twin is enjoying temperatures of 30 plus degrees more than dear old Blighty and I am sure they are delighted as I am with their weather. Shorts and poolside living no doubt to the fore for them. Well, dear souls, I am off to check the larder to ensure a plentiful supply of
rib sticking winter foods are in abundance for our hunker down. Take care......
Monday, 24 December 2018
One more sleep......
Well, 'pon my soul, dear friends, what on earth has happened to the weather? Why one could fair float to work with the deluges of late. Our dear green and pleasant land really is a tad soggy. Give me crisp frosty weather for the festive season for nought can surplant a cold festive snap. I do so hope for a crisp Christmas Day on which to sally forth for a brisk constitutional. Alas, dear souls, me thinks one may be disappointed. The antipodeans report oddities in their own seasonsonal weather too, for they have experienced marble like hail storms in what is now their summer. Such, my dears, is life for whomsoever truly understands the weather.
Today may have been Christmas Eve however t'was another normal professional day of toil for many of us. Thankfully, after a mad dash, skip hop and jump, I was able to attend the latter half of the Carols in the Cowshed. Such a beautiful tradition kept alive by our dear neighbouring farmer whose family have done so for many years. The joy it affords one is really quite hard to express but Christmas just is not Christmas without it. Traditional carols, mixed with new, voices raised in song, smiling faces ....Why, fair marks the beginning of the festivities for me.
To the antipodeans, I wish an early Merry Christmas for 'tis tomorrow already today over there. We do so wish you have a lovely day and look forward to talking to you later on your day today and our day tomorrow. Now, do keep up dears......
Where ever you are, dear souls, have a very Merry Christmas and may all your wishes come true. Do also try to remember those less fortunate than yourselves for there by the grace of god go we. A moment of kindness goes a long way; a kind word, a coin, a tasty morsel and a hot drink; whatever you choose, dear souls.
Today may have been Christmas Eve however t'was another normal professional day of toil for many of us. Thankfully, after a mad dash, skip hop and jump, I was able to attend the latter half of the Carols in the Cowshed. Such a beautiful tradition kept alive by our dear neighbouring farmer whose family have done so for many years. The joy it affords one is really quite hard to express but Christmas just is not Christmas without it. Traditional carols, mixed with new, voices raised in song, smiling faces ....Why, fair marks the beginning of the festivities for me.
To the antipodeans, I wish an early Merry Christmas for 'tis tomorrow already today over there. We do so wish you have a lovely day and look forward to talking to you later on your day today and our day tomorrow. Now, do keep up dears......
Where ever you are, dear souls, have a very Merry Christmas and may all your wishes come true. Do also try to remember those less fortunate than yourselves for there by the grace of god go we. A moment of kindness goes a long way; a kind word, a coin, a tasty morsel and a hot drink; whatever you choose, dear souls.
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